Intentionally Causing Injury (section 18 of the Crimes Act), Threat to Kill (section 20 of the Crimes Act), Unlawful Assault or Common Assault (section 22 of the Summary Offences Act). Listed at Broadmeadows Magistrates’ Court.
The client was in bed when his uncle’s partner came in to talk to him. The uncle came home to find his partner sitting on the client’s bed. The uncle was furious, and started attacking the client. The client punched him and the uncle left. Later, the uncle claimed the client had made further threats to kill him.
The victim was making many claims not supported by the evidence, and his statement seemed fanciful at best. The matter was taken to contest mention (a Court hearing designed to facilitate further discussions between police and defence) and negotiations with the prosecutor took all day. Finally, the police were prepared to withdraw all charges against the client. This was the right result.